Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Children's Book Review for The Poop Factory by Lori Patterson, Daniel Limon (illustrator)

 The Poop Factory by Lori Patterson, Daniel Limon (illustrator)

Published:  September 17, 2024 by Blue Balloon Books

Taken from Amazon:  Inside the poop factory on Hummingbird Lanewas a big, giant poop—Barry was his name.

Barry and his friends have spent enough time in the poop factory and now they must venture their way out. While his friends are light and airy, Barry’s large size calls for extra effort to squeeze him through the tunnel. Luckily, with the help of healthy foods Barry makes it out!

This playful story teaches readers how to deal with constipation in a fun-loving manner. With education and entertainment woven together, The Poop Factory is an excellent story for any young reader to enjoy.


My Thoughts:  I enjoyed reading this book about Poop.  I never thought I would say those words.  The story was fun and entertaining.   I would hope that when the grown-up reads this book to the child, they would discuss the story. The healthy aspect of the story is hidden a little in the context and needs a little bit of pointing out to the younger ones. 

The bright pictures and fun characters will entertain any child who picks up this book.   What child does not love to say the word poop and to read a book about it?

Thank you Blue Balloon Books for a copy of the book for my honest review.

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Purchase your own copy on Amazon

5 W’s of Writing a book and being an author…


Who?   Who are you besides a children’s book author? 

Hi! I’m Lori Patterson and I’m currently in my moming era. My priorities these days focus on spending time with my family, taking care of life logistics, and improving our homestead. I also love volunteering at my son’s school. I am able to volunteer in the library this year, which has been so much fun and helpful to learn more about the children’s book world! 

I am also a lifelong avid student of different energy healing and spiritual modalities. I am a certified Wellness Counselor, Inner Voice Facilitator, and Emotional Code Practitioner. I love practicing healing on myself, my family, and a handful of clients. 

I also love to travel, and have fun and interesting experiences. My husband and I have been to all seven continents together. He’s been a huge catalyst for adventure in my life.

I have had previous experience in marketing, professional development, and recruiting for the legal and consulting industries. I also have a degree in Human and Organizational Development from Vanderbilt University. 

I am proud to be able to call myself a children’s book author now. Honestly, it was never something I thought about doing before last year. However, this path now makes perfect sense to me since I have an innate love of children’s literature, performance, and humor.



What?  What helped you decide to write a children’s book? Or how do you decide what to write? 

After experiencing a health issue with my son, I was driving home after taking him to school. My mind was quiet and my heart was open. I thought of a poem about the health situation- the words just started flowing out of me and they made me laugh. I immediately wrote the verses down in my phone. I had actually never thought seriously about writing a children’s book before. However, I just had a strong knowing that I should turn the poem into a book. I knew that other parents had experienced the same situation and that constipation is a prevalent health issue in kids. I want parents to have this story as a resource and an extra tool in their belt. I really want to make kids laugh as well. The lesson in the book is really important and if you get the kids laughing first, I think they’ll be more invested in engaging with the lesson. If they don’t get the lesson the first time around, it’s still important to give kids the gift of joy and laughter, and hopefully instill a love for reading! 


Where?   Where do you do most of your writing? 

I’ve come up with my most favorite ideas in quiet places where my mind can be calm. These places include the car and the shower! I’ve worked on edits and storyboarding in my home office. 


When?   When do you do most of your writing?  How do you find the time in a busy life?  

I set an alarm for 8 minutes to write from my inner voice. From my certification as an Inner Voice Facilitator, I learned how to be still, put my awareness in my heart, breathe out any thoughts, and connect to the voice inside of myself. Then I sit in connection, listen, and write. Writing for 8 minutes doesn’t seem overwhelming to me and I know I’ll usually have the time to do that. Sometimes I stop the alarm to keep on writing, and sometimes writing for 8 minutes is all I can accomplish.



Why?   Why do you write?   Do you write books other than children books?  

When I was about 5 years old, a babysitter gave me a book with a corresponding record. It was “Free to Be You and Me” by Marlo Thomas and friends. Each author recorded their story or music so kids could listen and follow along. I really loved all of the songs and stories in the book. I think I memorized each one of them, and I still know Carol Channing’s “Housework” poem by heart. 

This experience as a child really curated my love for the arts and performing, and inspired me to pursue acting in school as a teenager. I write now because it fulfills that creative spark within me and it also connects me to my inner most being. Being able to connect with kids through storytime of my own book is something I cherish. I hope my book can spark creativity within other kids who are inspired by humor and the arts. 

I have not written any other books besides children’s books. However, I don’t know what might be in store for me around the corner. I try to keep my heart open and follow any internal sparks that light me up inside.

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