Thursday, October 3, 2024

Book Review for Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly

 Parisian Orphan #2

Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly

Published: October 1, 2024 by Minotaur Books

Genre:  Mystery, Historical Fiction

Taken from Goodreads: 
With mystery, intrigue, and the hints of romance international bestselling author Julia Kelly is known for, Evelyne Redfern returns in Betrayal at Blackthorn Park.

Freshly graduated from a rigorous training program in all things spy craft, former typist Evelyne Redfern is eager for her first assignment as a field agent helping Britain win the war. However, when she learns her first task is performing a simple security test at Blackthorn Park, a requisitioned manor house in the sleepy Sussex countryside, she can’t help her initial disappointment. Making matters worse, her handler is to be David Poole, a fellow agent who manages to be both strait-laced and dashing in annoyingly equal measure. However, Evelyne soon realizes that Blackthorn Park is more than meets the eye, and an upcoming visit from Winston Churchill means that security at the secret weapons research and development facility is of the utmost importance.

When Evelyne discovers Blackthorn Park’s chief engineer dead in his office, her simple assignment becomes more complicated. Evelyne must use all of her—and David’s—detection skills to root out who is responsible and uncover layers of deception that could change the course of the war.


My Thoughts:  WWII is my favorite era to read about.   This book was set during that era but was not what I would consider a war book.   There were mentions and things were different because of the war but it was not about the front-line battles and military.     Betrayal at Blackthorn Park is a story of murder and mystery. 

I love that Evelyne is the main character and she is female.   She is a strong female character who holds her own in what would normally be a man’s job.   She works alongside men, not taking any lip from them.   She does not shy away from gruesome discoveries and jumps into the crime-solving with both feet.  She works well with her handler, David, and I really enjoyed their relationship.   I think there is more there than meets the eye and hope to have it expanded on in future books in this series.  

This is book two in the series, but it can easily be read as a standalone.  There will be more books, and I cannot wait to get my hands on them. 

Thank you Minotaur Books for a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Meet Julia Kelly (taken from her website):  Julia Kelly is the international bestselling author of emotional historical fiction about extraordinary women and thrilling historical whodunnit mystery novels. Her books have been translated into 13 languages. In addition to writing, she’s been an Emmy-nominated producer, journalist, marketing professional, and (for one summer) a tea waitress. Julia called Los Angeles, Iowa, and New York City home before settling in London with her husband.

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