Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Book Review for The Couple in Cabin 14 by Nancy Savage

 The Couple in Cabin 14 by Nancy Savage

Published:  August 27, 2024 by Bloodhound Books

Genre:  Thriller, Crime, Mystery

Taken from Goodreads:
  What happens when a getaway becomes the holiday from hell?

Dean and Amber are on vacation in a secluded lakeside resort, hoping to fix the cracks in their marriage. Their only companions are the couple next door, Sophie, a beautiful redhead, and the mysterious Marc, who appears to be hiding something.

Before long Amber begins to suspect the couple aren’t who they say they are. Obsessed with uncovering the truth, she digs into the couple’s past.

As she struggles to rekindle her marriage while investigating the couple next door, Amber soon realises that she can’t trust anyone.

Just who is the enigmatic couple next door? And are some secrets better off staying buried?


My Thoughts:  Wow!  This book had me at the edge of my seat with the need to know the rest of the story.   I was intrigued by the characters and trying to figure out how they would tie together.  I knew there had to be a connection but what was it.   I did not see the ending coming… it was the perfect final twist in a book full of twists.  

I love that the setting was a resort, full of the outdoors and nature.  I could picture the characters doing their fishing and taking their catches to the local diner to have them cleaned and cooked for them.  I could see Sophie going on her runs and doing her stretching.   The setting of the book came to life for me as I read the story. 

Nancy Savage has written a phenomenal thriller book that I could not put down.  I recommend this book to any thriller and mystery reader. 

Thank you to the author and Bloodhound Books for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.


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Meet Nancy (taken from her website):  Nancy lives in a house overlooking the hills with her partner of twenty years, their six awesome children and two cats who she suspects are concocting murder plots far better than she ever could.

The Couple in Cabin 14 is her debut novel.

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