
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Book Review for A Song of Silence


World War II Historical Fiction #2

A Song of Silence: A Gripping Holocaust Novel Inspired by a Heartbreaking True Story by Steve N. Lee

Published May 14, 2024 by Blue Zoo

Genre:  Historical Fiction, WWII


Taken from Goodreads:
  War thrust them together. Love will tear them apart.

Inspired by a true story...

When the Nazis invade a sleepy Polish town in 1939, Mirek Kozlowski swears to keep everyone in his orphanage safe at all costs. However, despite his struggles and sacrifices, the war drags him and his children deeper and deeper into its violent nightmare.

With 89 children looking to him for hope, Mirek must do whatever it takes to protect them — no matter how criminal, distasteful, or perilous it may be.

And just when he thinks things can’t get any worse, the arrival of a sadistic SS captain brings unspeakable atrocities to his town — and surprisingly, a glimmer of hope for Mirek to save all those he cares about if only he has the courage to grasp it…

A story of love, bravery, and compassion, A Song of Silence explores history’s darkest hour and how, even in the face of overwhelming evil, one man can become a dazzling beacon of light.

Discover what it means to be human. Discover A Song of Silence.


My Thoughts:  This book…I do not think I will ever forget this book.   I lived with Mirek and his orphans, I felt their fear for what the future held and was in awe of all that Mirek did to make sure his orphans felt as little fear as possible.  He is a man that was made to run an orphanage.  He knew what to share, how much to share, and how to let the children be children.

A Song of Silence is not a book to go into lightly.  I have read a lot of WWII books and this book may have been the most difficult for me to read since the entire story is about children and war.   It was not graphic, but it did not cover up the ugliness of what was done to anyone who did not fall into line with Hitler and his army. 

Yet, I saw so much hope, love, and compassion while reading.  Mirek was willing to do anything to save “his children”, even give his own life.  The mild romance in the story showed that love could grow, even in horrible times.

Steven N Lee wrote a book that I could not put down.  The story is so real, so full of life during WWII, and a book that I will never forget.

Thank you to the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.


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Purchase your own copy on Amazon 







1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing my new release with your readers, Charlotte!
    I'm delighted you enjoyed Mirek's story so much.
