Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Book Review for A Certain Kind of Starlight by Heather Webber

 A Certain Kind of Starlight by Heather Webber

Published July 23, 2024 by Forge Books

Genre:  Magical Realism, Women’s Fiction

Taken from Goodreads: 
In the face of hardship, two women learn how to rise up again under the bright side of the stars.  Everyone knows that Addie Fullbright can’t keep a secret. Yet, twelve years ago, as her best friend lay dying, she entrusted Addie with the biggest secret of all. One so shattering that Addie felt she had to leave her hometown of Starlight, Alabama, to keep from revealing a devastating truth to someone she cares for deeply. Now she’s living a lonely life, keeping everyone at a distance, not only to protect the secret but also her heart from the pain of losing someone else. But when her beloved aunt, the woman who helped raise her, gets a shocking diagnosis and asks her to come back to Starlight to help run the family bakery, Addie knows it’s finally time to go home again.

Tessa Jane Wingrove-Fullbright feels like she’s failing. She’s always been able to see the lighter side of life but lately darkness has descended. Her world is suddenly in shambles after a painful breakup, her favorite aunt’s unexpected health troubles, and because crushing expectations from the Wingrove side of her family are forcing her to keep secrets and make painful choices. When she’s called back to Starlight to help her aunt, she’s barely holding herself together and fears she’ll never find her way back to who she used to be.

Under the bright side of the stars, Addie and Tessa Jane come to see that magic can be found in trusting yourself, that falling apart is simply a chance to rise up again, stronger than ever, and that the heart usually knows the best path through the darkness.


My Thoughts:  Everyone needs an Aunt Bean.  She is one of a kind and only in a good way.   I love that Addie and Tessa Jane have someone to have their back, push them to be better people, and to open their hearts.   She was by far my most favorite character in the book with her fun quirks, her kept secrets, her open heart, and talents in the kitchen.

Addie and Tessa Jane grew up together but were not friends due to misunderstood circumstances.  I liked that every relationship in this book had many layers.   It was slow to put it all together and I appreciated that their story was stretched throughout the book and another layer peeled off.   Both girls has their own histories and they were intertwined but the BIG moment came later in the book and had me smiling and loving that twist.    

Heather Webb is an extremely talented author.    I enjoyed the story.   There were a few parts that seemed slow and repetitive but I still could not put the book down and looked for moments where I could read one more chapter, one more paragraph…or maybe more than one!

Thank you Forge Books for a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.


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Meet Heather Webb (taken from her website):
   USA Today bestselling author Heather Webber is the author of more than thirty novels and has been twice nominated for the Agatha Award. She loves to read, drink too much coffee and tea, birdwatch, crochet, and bake. She currently lives near Cincinnati, Ohio, and is hard at work on her next book. *Heather also writes under the pen name Heather Blake

Things You May Not Know About Me

1) As a child I used to catch lizards in Las Vegas flood ditches. For fun.

2) My first job was a papergirl for the Weymouth News (Massachusetts).

3) I’ve never traveled overseas.

4) I played flute and piccolo in my younger years.

5) I took swimming lessons in the waters of the frigid Atlantic Ocean. (The seaweed! The algae! The jellyfish! The barnacles! The trauma!)

6) I have trouble telling my left from my right.

7) I love words.

8) Potato eyes freak me out. Way out.

9) I have an unhealthy relationship with Gobstoppers.

10) Although I’m 5’2”, I was a setter on my high school volleyball team. (The fact that we weren’t very good should go without saying.)


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