Today we have the blog tour of JP Roth’s Red Velvet! Check out this gorgeous new romance and be sure to get your copy today!
Title: Red Velvet
Author: JP Roth
Genre: Paranormal Romance
About Red Velvet:
Magic is sacred, but real love is divine. To save them from the Guillotine a spell is cast, and Marie-Thérèse Charlotte of France, daughter of Marie Antoinette, is changed into an owl, her brother, the young dauphin, into a golden stag. The old gypsy witch who repaid a blood debt by saving their lives, takes the princess’s memories and names her Velvet. For eight years Velvet exists safely wrapped in the spell. On her eighteenth year, rumors of her life reach the ears of King George III. In a bout of fearful madness, he orders the death of the French heirs. When soldiers torch their camp, Velvet and her brother, are forced to run for their lives. Nora Hardington, a young woman on a mission into the dangerous underbelly of London, finds Velvet wounded and dying. Risking her own life, she rescues Velvet. Together, they enlist the help of the dark stranger sent to carry out the king’s command. As they search for the spell to return her brother’s humanity, Velvet lives all the sides of life she was previously denied. Her adventures are fraught with assassins, pirates, ancient enchantments, bloody battle, mythical lore, and all manner of dastardly love.Get Your Copy!
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Excerpt... Nora smiled.
She would have said more, but the door banged against the wall so hard the top
hinges creaked miserably, then gave way. A huge, dark form filled the entrance
dominating all the space. The light from the street lamps bounced off the
silver knob on the hood of his tricorne and turned it to a glowing coal that
illuminated his eyes, the only things visible on his masked face. In one hand
he held a sword, in the other, the metal of a cocked pistol glinted like
polished starlight. He took a step toward them, and Velvet jumped to her feet
pushing Nora behind her.
Velvet asked him, not retreating when a single stride of his long legs brought
him closer. “Why are you doing this? Leave me alone. I’ve done nothing to you
or your kind.”
“You can’t
live,” the dark figure said. “One life to save thousands…we must have peace.”
“If that
were true I would willingly bare my neck for your knife,” Velvet said.
“It is the
truth,” the dark voice replied.
“So you
say,” Velvet said. “I mean nothing to anyone, so I cannot see how my life or
death matters.”
The masked
man lunged for her so fast, Velvet had no time to react, his hard fingers
closed around her arm. He squeezed her knife wound, and pain jolted through her
frazzled nerves. Velvet lashed out, blindly enraged. Her nails caught the
stubbled skin above his collar and scored long, bloody groves down his neck. He
grabbed her arm, twisted it up behind her back. It was like someone had
pinioned her wings—gods of earth and sky—she missed her wings!
her alarm Velvet freed her right arm, and her hand whipped across his face,
half-blinding him by her cutting nails.
His sharp
green eyes widened in shock at her attack. The man stumbled back. Behind the
cloth mask she saw his lips start to move as if he would speak. Velvet was not
listening. She arched her body, tensed her foot, and drove the heel into his
shin. The kick sent him staggering, he slung his massive arms around her
waist—she felt caught between a boulder and a bar of iron. Every second of
agony, fear, and loss rose inside her like a dark cloud, the color of her anger
obscured vision and rational thought fled.
She heard
herself make a disorienting snarling nose, and kicked him again. He cursed
loudly, stumbled and fell. Velvet felt her balance give way as his arms tugged,
dragging her down atop him, and she screamed in panic as they crashed to the
His body
felt like an open blaze through the thin silk of her dress, his fingers
stunning brands on her hips and waist. Velvet could hear his harsh, panting
breaths in her ear as she kicked and writhed. There was an echoing thunk when the back of her skull
connected to his hard head. Stars obliterated her vision. His hold around her
waist slackened, Velvet bucked again, won her freedom, and rolled off his big
body with a garbled shriek. She scrambled to her feet and made fists of her
hands, ready.

Thank you for sharing! I hope everyone finds the magic I tried to weave in the words.