Today we have the blog tour for TELL ME A STORY by Jennifer Rebecca! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover by Alyssa Garcia at Uplifting Designs.
About Tell Me A Story:
George Washington Township, New Jersey has seen its fair share of crime and tragedy. Most recently, a young boy is missing from his home and the tenacious Detective Claire Goodnite is eager to find him. But the case is stirring up old memories best left forgotten. When a blast from her own past, FBI Special Agent Wesley O’Connell, turns up, Claire finds it hard to keep old ghosts at rest. And even harder to keep the sexy SAIC out of her case and her bed. Claire Goodnite is the best damn detective in the state of New Jersey and you better believe she's coming for you.
My Thoughts…
I’m struggling with this review. I started this book thinking it was a second
chance romance. It was, but it was more
the story of Claire’s history and how it is affecting her job, her love life,
and her everyday life.
I struggled to connect to the characters. Claire was a hot headed, whiny, poor me but
don’t pity me officer. Wes was a this
is how life is and I don’t care what you think FBI Agent. Liam, Claire’s brother and her boss, was
over bearing, rude, and not very professional.
Together they all got on my nerves.
I feel like none of them were professional in their job, none were
respectful of each other in their personal lives, and they all thought there
were something special when they were just as regular as the next person.
This story has potential, a lot of potential. I wish it focused more on the romance, less
on the history. I wish the characters
were more relatable. I did read the
entire book. I needed to know if Wes
would ever grow up and be a man to win over Claire. I wanted to know who took the little boy who
was kidnapped.
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