Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Today we're thrilled to be sharing THE DATING TRILOGY covers with you! DATING IN THE DARK (The Dating Trilogy Book 1) will be available March 19th! Check them out and pre-order now!


Call center girl by day and...this is the part where I say I do something super mysterious and exotic by night. Yeah not so much. With the big 3-0 looming its ugly head around the corner my best friend and my married and very pregnant sister have decided that I need a life. One that includes the opposite sex. Or else continue on, and become the old spinster they say I am. It was all in jest until they set me up with a blind date. Literally. Speed dating. In the dark. With a stranger. What were they thinking? Fifteen minutes, that’s all you get to find the man of your dreams. Oh yeah, that’ll go over about as well as a nun in a strip club. Playing along might not be so bad. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I’ll actually end up falling in love.

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Pre-order the rest of the series!

Sinking in the Shadows


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Loving in the Night


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About Alexandria Bishop

Born on a small southeastern island in Alaska and raised in southern Oregon, Alexandria Bishop is a PNW girl at heart. By day, she goes to battle with a tiny dictator aka her toddler and by night, she can be found typing ALL the words of her contemporary romance novels accompanied by a glass of wine or two ;) When she’s not in mommy or author mode, she can be found drinking copious amounts of cold brew coffee, bingeing her latest obsession on Netflix, or attending concerts of her favorite pop-punk bands. 

She loves hearing from her readers and you can find her on social media here:

REVIEWS & GIVEAWAY...Killer Choice by Tom Hunt

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: January 30th 2018 by Berkley Books

The electrifying debut thriller that asks the question: To save the one you love, is there any price you wouldn’t pay?

His wife is sick.
He needs $200,000 to save her.
A mysterious man offers to give him the money with just one catch: He has to murder someone to get it.

Gary Foster’s life is finally heading in the right direction. After years of trying, his wife, Beth, is pregnant, and he recently opened a business with his brother. But one phone call changes everything....

After collapsing suddenly, Beth has been rushed to the hospital. Tests reveal a devastating diagnosis: an inoperable brain tumor. Their only hope is an expensive experimental treatment available abroad, with a cost that’s out of their reach. And Beth’s time is running out....

Then a strange man approaches Gary and offers the money he needs, on one condition: that he kill someone, no questions asked. End one life to save another.

In this nail-biting debut novel of domestic suspense, one man makes a choice that forces him to confront the darkest reaches of his soul and betray those closest to him. As he’s swept up in a nightmare of escalating violence, he must question his own morality—and determine just how far he’s willing to go to save the woman he loves. 

My Thoughts…

Your significant other has a brain tumor and you are a lot of money short of being able to afford a treatment that could possibly save her life.    Would you do anything, anything in the world to raise that money that could save their life?   That is the premise of Killer Choice.    Gary must decide if he can cross a line and go against everything he believes is right to save his pregnant wife.     

The consequences of Gary’s decisions bring non-stop action to the story.   With one decision he changes his entire life.  With each turn of the page there was another choice to be made, another page of action, and another reason to keep reading.    The story while action packed was also pretty realistic.      There were a few times that I wanted to change the storyline just because I knew that the choices made would end badly for those involved but Tom Hunt obviously knew much better than I did.   

I definitely recommend picking up Killer Choice and enjoying this thriller of a story. 

Thank you Lauren Burnstein at Penguin Random House for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. 

Add to your MUST-READ Goodreads list HERE

Purchase onAmazon and Barnesand Noble

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY of The Color of Love by Sharon Sala

He might be winning her heart before she even knows who he is…

Welcome to Blessings, Georgia, the small town with a big heart! Anyone from a small town can tell you that gossip never stays quiet for long. The biggest news lately is Ruby Dye: she's been receiving gifts from a secret admirer. But Ruby isn't sure she can trust this newfound happiness. Nobody knows the dark secrets she keeps about her life before she arrived in Blessings. Is this the beginning of a would-be romance, or is she the target of something more sinister?

Everyone admires Ruby and her determination to do the right thing, especially local lawyer "Peanut" Butterman. He's finally ready to tell her how he feels. But when trouble arrives on Ruby's doorstep and their little town is threatened, Peanut may have to prove himself in ways he never imagined.

Add to your MUST-READ list on Goodreads
Purchase your copy on AMAZON or BARNES AND NOBLE


Chief Pittman drove through town with lights flashing, then pulled into the alley behind the bar to the small, clapboard house.
There was no smoke coming out of the fireplace, no lights on anywhere inside, and when he saw the front door open and a tall, gangly boy and a huge bloodhound emerging, he jumped out to open the back door of his cruiser.
As he did, a woman followed them out. She was blue from cold and shivering. She coughed, then couldn’t stop. Then the boy approached and held out his hand.
“I’m Charlie Conroy, Sir. Thank you for calling.”
Lon wondered how desperate they were and then decided to deal with that later.
“You can put your dog in the back and ride up front with me.”
“Yes sir,” Charlie said, loaded up Booger, then got into the front seat.
Lon turned around.
“Mrs. Conroy, I’m Chief Pittman. Thank you for allowing your boy to help us. I’ll have him back as soon as possible, okay?”
“Yes, it’s okay,” she said.
And then another little voice piped up, and Lon saw a tiny little girl standing in the doorway, also wearing her coat over her clothes. She was crying.
“Mommy, Mommy, I’m cold.”
“I have to go,” Alice said, and ran back to the doorway, picked up the little girl and disappeared into the house, shutting the door behind her as she went.
Lon got in. The boy was already buckled up.
“We’re going straight to the nursing home.”
“Yes, sir,” Charlie said, his heartbeat jumping as the Chief drove away.
“So what’s going on at your house? Don’t you have any heat?”
“We don’t have any utilities, sir. We got cut off.”
“When was this?” Lon asked.
“Oh, a few days ago, but I’ll get the money earned to get them back on.”
“Is this why you put out the fliers?” Lon asked.
Charlie nodded.
“That was very industrious. How old are you?” Lon said.
“I’m twelve, but I am the man of the family now,” Charlie said, and then turned his head as they passed the school, looking at it with a mixture of longing and despair.
Another two blocks and he pulled up in front of the nursing home. One of his deputies was already there gathering info, while the other one on duty was back at the station. People were gathering here as the news had spread, ready to help search.
“Here we go,” Lon said, as he pulled up and parked. “You get your hound and follow me.”
“Yes sir,” Charlie said, and leaped out, grabbed Booger’s leash, and took off after the Chief.
Nathan Rose, the nursing home administrator, was trying not to panic as he explained what he knew to the Deputy, Ralph Herman.
“We’ve never had this happen before,” Nathan said. “We lock the doors at night and everything. Wanda is the one who discovered her absence.”
Ralph eyed the aide in purple scrubs. She looked to be in her late twenties, and she also looked scared to death, like someone was going to lay the blame of this on her.
“So, Wanda, how did you know she was missing?” Ralph asked.
“She wasn’t in her bed when I came on duty at six a.m., so I went looking for her, assuming she’d just fallen asleep somewhere else inside the building. They do that sometimes, but I couldn’t find her. That’s when we all began to search. She’s not here.”
“Were there any unlocked doors?” Ralph asked.
Willa’s shoulders slumped.
“The one from the kitchen leading out into the back alley. There’s an extra lock up high. She’s so little, I don’t know how she reached to open it.”
“Either someone helped her, or it was unintentionally left unlocked,” Nathan said. “It’s the only explanation.”
“Have you notified her next of kin?” the deputy asked.
“She doesn’t have any,” Nathan said. “She brought herself here three years back and hasn’t had a visitor from outside Blessings, since.”
At that point, the Chief walked up and didn’t waste time explaining.
“Nathan, I need something that belongs to Gertie...something that would have her scent on her shoes... of a piece of her clothing...something that hasn’t yet been washed.”
Nathan saw the boy and the bloodhound and didn’t ask questions.
“Wanda, you heard him. Bring something that will have Gertie’s scent on it.”
Wanda turned and ran into the building as the deputy recognized the boy.
“Hey, that’s the kid from the flyer,” he said, then glanced at Lon. “Good call, Chief.”
“If it works, we can all thank Peanut Butterman. It was his suggestion.”
Charlie had outgrown his coat months ago, and had been wearing his Daddy’s clothes all winter, but he didn’t have a coat. It had burned up in the explosion. He shivered slightly as he waited, thinking nothing of the discomfort because it had become the norm, but Lon saw it.
“Be right back,” he said, and jogged toward his cruiser, popped the trunk and then came back with a heavy, fleece-lined flannel jacket. “Put this on,” he said, as he handed it to Charlie.
Charlie’s eyes widened.
“I might get it dirty.”
“Son, it’ll wash,” Lon said. “Put it on.”
Charlie didn’t argue. The warmth that enveloped him was so welcome it brought tears to his eyes.
“I thank you,” Charlie whispered.
Lon patted the boy’s shoulder as Wanda came running back holding a pair of cotton socks.
“Gertie wore these yesterday. They were still in her shoes. Will this work?”
Lon glanced at Charlie, who nodded.
“They’ll do just fine,” Charlie said, then glanced at Lon. “Are you ready, Chief?”
Lon glanced around at the small crowd of people who’d gathered to help search.
“We’re going to try this first before we send everyone out in differing directions. If some of you want to go home, you’re welcome. But if there are any who want to follow us and the hound, then fan out in a grid behind him and do your best to keep up.”
A few waved and headed back to their cars, but a good dozen of them stayed.
Lon heard one searcher call out.
“That hound won’t track. I reckon the rain has washed out her tracks and scent.”
“We’ll see,” Lon said, and watched as Charlie Conroy got down on one knee and shoved the socks up under Booger’s nose.
As he did, the hound began to whine, as if sensing he’d just be given a task.
“Hunt, Booger! Hunt!” Charlie said.
The massive bloodhound lifted his head, sniffing the air, then put nose to ground and moved toward the back of the building with Charlie hanging onto the leash. The moment they reached the back door, Booger bayed.
“He’s on the scent,” Charlie cried, and off they went, through two blocks of housing, across the baseball field and then up into the woods, with the cops and the searchers behind them.

Monday, January 29, 2018

REVIEW...Bayside Destinies (The Bayside Hunters #4) by Stacy Claflin

it Published (first published January 16th 2018)

Logan has the career of his dreams and lacks nothing… until an old acquaintance returns to town. And she has news that will shock him to his core.

My Thoughts…

I love the Hunter men.    They are strong, sexy, sweet, and so amazing.     Logan is all this and more.    He knows what he wants in life, knows how to get it, and won’t let anything get in his way.   Until Audrey returns to Enchantment Bay and asks him to honor a promise they made to each other when they were teenagers.  

I liked that while Audrey was running from an abusive ex she did not come across as weak.   She lived in her own apartment, worked at a job, and wasn’t afraid to live her life.    There were times I felt she could have taken more precautions to keep herself safe but overall she was very realistic in her reactions and living to the situation.     

There was no doubt that Logan would step up and protect Audrey.     The protective gene was built into his DNA and he could not walk away from it.    I liked that it started out just as protectiveness and turned into more.     His ties with his family didn’t leave any doubt that Logan would do the right thing.  

Stacy Claflin wrote a sweet, loving story about two characters who are destined to be together.      I recommend picking up your own copy  and enjoying Enchantment Bay and the amazing characters living there. 

Thank you Stacy Claflin for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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REVIEW of Dark in Death (In Death #46) by J.D. Robb

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: January 30th 2018 by St. Martin's Press

It was a stab in the dark.

On a chilly February night, during a screening of Psycho in midtown, someone sunk an ice pick into the back of Chanel Rylan’s neck, then disappeared quietly into the crowds of drunks and tourists in Times Square. To Chanel’s best friend, who had just slipped out of the theater for a moment to take a call, it felt as unreal as the ancient black-and-white movie up on the screen. But Chanel’s blood ran red, and her death was anything but fictional.

Then, as Eve Dallas puzzles over a homicide that seems carefully planned and yet oddly personal, she receives a tip from an unexpected source: an author of police thrillers who recognizes the crime—from the pages of her own book. Dallas doesn’t think it’s coincidence, since a recent strangulation of a sex worker resembles a scene from her writing as well. Cops look for patterns of behavior: similar weapons, similar MOs. But this killer seems to find inspiration in someone else’s imagination, and if the theory holds, this may be only the second of a long-running series.

The good news is that Eve and her billionaire husband Roarke have an excuse to curl up in front of the fireplace with their cat, Galahad, reading mystery stories for research. The bad news is that time is running out before the next victim plays an unwitting role in a murderer’s deranged private drama—and only Eve can put a stop to a creative impulse gone horribly, destructively wrong. 

My Thoughts…

Dark in Death is part of the In Death series by J.D. Robb.    I have read most of the books in this series and find myself getting lost in their stories and invested in Eve solving the murders.     This book is no exception.      When I started the book I knew that it was going to be a busy day and that I’d be pushing to find any real reading time but I managed to find enough to get ¼ of the way through the book.    The next day was calmer and I woke up excited knowing that I would have no problem finishing the book.  

J.D. Robb does a great job of telling the story of murder while still keeping it clean enough not to turn people off, detailed enough without getting boring, and relatable enough that the readers become invested in the story.     I love that the characters are consistent throughout the series.    Peabody & McNab are still a mushy couple that make Eve cringe with their lovey-doveyness.     Leonardo & Mavis are still eccentric and totally ga-ga over their daughter Bella.    Summerset was on vacation during this book but was referenced to many times, especially when Eve and Roarke took advantage of him being gone from their house.      Then there is Nadine who we get a glimpse at her social life and I am hoping there will be more about in the next book. 

When asked by my friends who love murder/mystery, police story books the In Death series always comes to mind.    Dark in Death is the perfect addition to this series.    

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J. D. Robb

J.D. Robb is the pseudonym for #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. She is the author of over 200 novels, including the futuristic suspense In Death series. There are more than five hundred million copies of her books in print.

Friday, January 26, 2018

COVER REVEAL of The Runner's Daughter by Jessica McCrory

Today, Jessica McCrory is revealing the cover of her gorgeous new romance, The Runner’s Daughter! Check it out and preorder your copy today!

  Title: The Runner’s Daughter Author: Jessica McCrory Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Day: February 15th About The Runner’s Daughter: Jemma Saige thought she had it all figured out. Her rules for survival were simple. Keep your head down, your bags packed, your running shoes on. But when she meets a man at her local gym, their attraction threatens to break the last and most important of those rules: don’t get tied down.   FBI agent Caid King has fought long and hard to end the corruption within his organization. After the fall of Clayton Matthews, he returns to New York with his head held high and his eye on the next target. He never could have imagined that the dangerous man he’s set his sights on would have ties to the beautiful and mysterious Jemma.   Now with Jemma’s secrets out in the open, and both her and Caid’s lives on the line, can they find a way to work together? Or will the weight of it all drag them down?

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Exclusive Excerpt:

Jemma woke while everyone was still sleeping. She could feel breath on her neck, and it caused goose bumps to raise on her body. Caid was pressed against her back and wrapped around her as if he were afraid she would try to escape. Her sleep-addled mind had her body pressing back against him, and his arm tightened around her waist. Through the thin fabric of her shorts and tank, she could feel every hard ridge of his body, and her heart began to pound beneath her breast. Unsure of her next move, or what even she was thinking, she rolled so that she was facing him. His eyes were closed, so she took a moment to visually trace the lines of his face. What would that rough stubble feel like against her bare skin? she wondered. How would his lips feel if she just leaned forward and pressed her own to them? Would he pull away? Or would he ravish her with all the heat she sensed bubbling just below the surface? She lifted her hand and traced her finger lightly down the curve of his strong jaw. He opened his eyes, and for a moment they simply stared at each other while her finger rested on his cheek. When he leaned toward her, she didn’t pull away, and as his arm tightened around her waist once again, she closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. The second they met, her body came alive. Heat scorched them, and she opened her mouth under his. She groaned, and he rolled her over so he was pressing right against where she desperately wanted him the most. The sound of a cough had them separating so quickly you would have thought one of them had been burned. A quick look around the room proved it had only been one of the girls coughing in their sleep. Jemma and Caid stared at each other from opposite sides of the bed, both breathing heavily and leaving them each wondering what in the hell had just happened between them.

About Jessica McCrory:

"I have always had a love of stories and the different worlds you are able to explore when you crack open the cover to a good book."   I was born in California and moved to Texas with my family when I was a teenager. I have always been an avid reader and have been writing stories since I was a kid! It has always been a dream of mine to have my stories published and it is beyond exciting to see that dream coming true! I have a caffeine addiction, I am a wine (red!!) lover (my favorite being Crush by Dreaming Tree!) and I love T-shirts (the kind with the hilarious sayings on them). I am OBSESSED with the TV show Scrubs and I watch it constantly. I have an amazing husband who is more supportive than I could have ever hoped for, two sweet kiddos (who keep my life wonderfully eventful), two dogs, a rabbit, and most recently Hefty Smurf the beta fish. Growing up, reading was my way to escape reality whether it was good or bad at the time and I want my stories to offer readers the same kind of adventure I have sought out in between the covers of a book.

Connect with Jessica:

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RELEASE BLITZ for Diamonds and Dirt Roads by Erin Nicholas

Erin Nicholas
Diamonds and Dirt Roads
Billionaire in Blue Jeans, Book 1
Release Date January 26, 2018

A pretend relationship…within a pretend relationship. Attorney Evan Stone knows every crazy stipulation in billionaire Rudy Carmichael’s will. After all, he wrote it. And he’s determined to make sure each one is fully met by Rudy’s triplet daughters. Even if that means dating the workaholic CEO, Ava. Or pretending to at least. And even if it means resisting the so-right-for-him-she’s-totally-wrong party girl, Cori. Cori’s only got three things on her to do list from her dad: • Move to Bliss, Kansas. • Run his pie shop with her sisters for a year. • No dating. For six months.
But stepping in for her sister when it’s clear that Ava and Evan aren’t fooling anyone with their “romance” isn’t really dating. And falling for her sister’s pretend boyfriend while pretending to be her sister…well, that’s ridiculous. No matter how real things feel whenever she and Evan are together.

About the Author:
Erin Nicholas

I've been reading romance since my mom first let me into her book cupboard when I was about fourteen. LaVyrle Spencer, Julie Garwood, Debbie Macomber... they took my 'happily ever after' ideas from animated princesses to real people in the real world. I've been writing romance almost as long. Many a family car trip was spent with my head bent over a spiral notebook in the back seat. I'll confess that my very first attempts at fiction were fantasy and paranormals, influenced by my father's love of the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the original Alice in Wonderland. If Harry Potter had been around, I'm sure he would have been on the bedtime story shelf as well. But it wasn't long until I started writing about true love and that's where I've been ever since. I'm so thrilled to be able to share these stories with you! I hope that they make you smile, sigh, maybe even choke up a little. Most of all, I hope that they help you believe in magical things like first kisses, the spark of passion, and the power of true love.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

SOCIAL MEDIA BLITZ for The Bodyguard by Natalie Wrye

Looking for your next read? THE BODYGUARD by Natalie Wrye is available for free! Don't miss getting your hands on this one!




All I have of him are flashes of memories, vivid nightmares. But when I wake up to last night's dream man in my bedroom, who do I believe? My head... or my heart? ________________________________________
Daniela Bishop has everything to live for. A beautiful loft in the south of France. A gorgeous albeit brooding man who looks at her as if she’s his last meal. Too bad she doesn’t remember any of it. A life she never knew with a lover she doesn’t recognize? It couldn’t get any worse… until it does. Drawn to a handsome devil with secrets darker than his Greek god-like features, Daniela will do anything to piece together the life of her protective housemate, Bishop (no first name), and subsequently her own. But when memories masquerading as nightmares come back to show her the real truth about her life, her family and her love, Dani must come to grips with a past that is nothing like it seems… and an unknown life she may end up dying for.  

Get your hands on THE BODYGUARD for free now:


About Natalie Wrye

Natalie Wrye is a tequila connoisseur, Game of Thrones addict and author best known for writing page-turning Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense.
A Jersey Girl living in the South, when she's not obsessing over a new Netflix series or yelling at college basketball games on TV, she's usually crafting sexy stories about hard-bodied men and the strong-willed women who crave them.
She loves it when people get weird with her on Facebook, or

PRE-ORDER BLITZ & GIVEAWAY of Final Seige by Scarlett Cole

Pre-order FINAL SIEGE by Scarlett Cole today!

"Fantastic characters, scorching sexual tension, and non-stop action make this one of my favorite reads this year! Highly recommend!" —New York Times bestselling author Laura Kaye

"Scarlett Cole's characters pull you in from the very first page with real emotion and sizzling chemistry. Don't miss this action packed thrill ride." Cherry Adair, New York Times bestselling author

Scarlett Cole is on fire with another release coming your way next week! Don’t miss out on the chance to pre-order FINAL SIEGE, the next installment in her romantic suspense series. Pre-order today and enter to win a Kindle Fire + digital copy of UNDER FIRE! 

In the Line of Fire...
Former SEAL Malachai “Mac” MacCarrick is all about the future he’s created with his Navy brothers in Eagle Securities, taking assignments in the most dangerous places, and doing things no one but ex-military would attempt. But when an urgent phone call brings his troubled past—and the woman he once loved—into the present, it’s a chance to redeem himself that he can’t refuse.
Straight to the heart. . .
An investigative journalist researching an explosive story, Delaney Shapiro tells herself she got over Mac—and his role in her brother’s death—a long time ago. But the first moment she sees him at her bedside in an overseas hospital, she knows it’s not true. Every moment together rekindles the desire that once burned between them, and now that she’s a target for an emerging Russian arms dealer, Mac won’t let her out of his sight. To protect her, he’ll risk it all—including his life…
Pre-order Now! Amazon | Amazon UK | Chapters | B&N | iBooks

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Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole

“Mac,” she whispered, and tried to stop the tears and the uncontrollable shaking of her body. She shrugged his hands off her shoulders, and scrambled to the other side of the bed. Even as he held his hand in the air, the universal sign of surrender, a part of her wanted to reach for him, to let him hold her the way he had when she’d sneak into his dorm room at night.
Her head spun in confusion as she pressed her fingertips to her temples. She couldn’t do this again, couldn’t grieve for him all over again. Not on top of everything else.
“Delaney, sweetheart. You’re safe.” Those eyes of his that always reminded her of the dark blue ocean at sunset reassured her she was. She’d dreamt of them. Missed them.
God, the anger she felt toward him now was only a fraction of the love she’d felt for him all that time ago. Until he’d killed her brother when they were both twenty years old.

About Scarlett Cole
The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.
I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I'm getting the chance to follow that dream.

Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Queen of Hearts (A New Beginnings #3) by Kathryn R. Biel

Expected publication: January 23rd 2018 by Kathryn R. Biel

And then they lived happily ever after ...

That's how all the fairy tales end, right? And certainly Maryn Medrovovich's life is a fairy tale. It was love at first sight between her and Crown Prince Stephan. He didn't care that she was a commoner, working multiple jobs to make ends meet after her father left the family in dire straits. He only knew he loved her and wanted to make her a princess.

But that's where the fairy tale ends and real life begins. Being a member of the royal family isn't everything it's cracked up to be, especially when your father-in-law, the king, only has interest in your ability to produce an heir. The mounting pressure to maintain a royal image and perform her royal duties become too much as Maryn realizes Stephan is not the white knight she once thought him to be.

Seeking solace in her childhood home, Maryn's path again crosses with that of George Panagogus, her childhood best friend and first love. He really is a good guy. Too bad she shattered and stomped on his heart all those years ago. It's time for Maryn to step up and start being her own hero. Will she finally get her storybook ending? 

My Thoughts…
What did I love about this book?    The better question is what did I not love!    Kathryn R. Biel made characters that are so realistic.   Maryn was perfect.   She fell for a prince, a real live prince, yet pushed to stay true to herself.   Yet, she didn’t really know who she was.     The monarchy had rules that had to be followed and she pushed, shoved, and kicked her way out of those rules.   I love a strong woman character that is able to stand up for herself yet still be a woman. 

The storyline was fun.   I started the book and finished the book in one day.   I found minutes to sneak a few more pages, another chapter, and sometimes just a few words because I just wanted to keep reading.     I wanted to find out if Maryn would be able to find her happy ever after, would it be with Stephan?   

This is a true fairytale story.     The working girl from the wrong side of the track meets her prince and together they find their HEA.

Thank you Kathryn R. Biel for a copy of your book in exchange for an honest review. 

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