Wednesday, November 30, 2016

When All The Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Krentz

Hardcover, 304 pages
Expected publication: November 29th 2016 by Berkley
Jayne Ann Krentz, the New York Times bestselling author ofSecret Sisters, delivers a thrilling novel of the deceptions we hide behind, the passions we surrender to, and the lengths we’ll go to for the truth...

When Charlotte Sawyer is unable to contact her step-sister, Jocelyn, to tell her that one her closest friends was found dead, she discovers that Jocelyn has vanished.

Beautiful, brilliant—and reckless—Jocelyn has gone off the grid before, but never like this. In a desperate effort to find her, Charlotte joins forces with Max Cutler, a struggling PI who recently moved to Seattle after his previous career as a criminal profiler went down in flames—literally. Burned out, divorced and almost broke, Max needs the job.

After surviving a near-fatal attack, Charlotte and Max turn to Jocelyn’s closest friends, women in a Seattle-based online investment club, for answers. But what they find is chilling…

When her uneasy alliance with Max turns into a full-blown affair, Charlotte has no choice but to trust him with her life. For the shadows of Jocelyn’s past are threatening to consume her—and anyone else who gets in their way...

My Thoughts…

When All The Girls Have Gone is a fast read.     The suspense of who done it, the wondering who the next target is, and the fun of getting to know the ladies in the investment club are all what kept me reading and enjoying every page and chapter.   There wasn’t a huge mystery as to who did it but it was still entertaining to put the pieces together and figure out the history of Charlotte and Jocelyn. 

The romance of Max and Charlotte was my favorite storyline.    I loved that it was a respectful, trusting, and slow moving relationship.   They started as strangers, accepted that they had a mutual goal of solving Louise’s murder, and it moved on from there.   With other PI relationships there is a one up manship but with these two they realized the goal was the same and it was easier to work together instead of keeping secrets.  

In true Krentz ways, there were surprises throughout the story that I never saw coming.   I really enjoyed the story and recommend picking up your own copy.
Book Links

Jayne Ann Krentz is the author of more than fifty New York Timesbestsellers and has sold 40 million novels.  She has written romantic thrillers under that name, as well as futuristic and historical romance novels under the pseudonyms Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick, respectively. Learn more at and connect with her

Monday, November 28, 2016

This Was Not the Plan by Cristina Alger

Hardcover, 352 pages
Published February 2nd 2016 by Touchstone
From the acclaimed author of The Darlings comes an incisive, hilarious, and tender exploration of fatherhood, love, and family life through the story of a widower who has to become the father he didn't know he could be.

Charlie Goldwyn's life hasn't exactly gone according to plan. Widowerhood at thirty-three and twelve-hour workdays have left a gap in his relationship with his quirky five-year-old son, Caleb, whose obsession with natural disasters and penchant for girls' clothing have made him something of a loner at his preschool. The only thing Charlie has going for him is his job at a prestigious law firm, where he is finally close to becoming a partner.

But when a slight lapse in judgment at an office party leaves him humiliatingly unemployed, stuck at home with Caleb for the summer, and forced to face his own estranged father, Charlie starts to realize that there's more to fatherhood than financially providing for his son, and more to being a son than overtaking his father's successes.

At turns heartbreaking and hilarious,
 This Was Not the Plan is a story about loss and love, parenthood, and friendship, and what true work-life balance means. 

My Thoughts…

A father who is too busy to enjoy his wife and son does not usually know what he has until he loses them.    With This Was Not The Plan only half of that statement is true.     He loses his wife in a devastating plane crash but lets his sister move in to raise his son, Caleb.      All of that changes when he loses his job.    He spends the summer with Caleb and realizes that the life he thought he wanted is not necessary the life he really wants.   

When Charlie, that father, is fired I could only hope that his eyes would open and he would realize all he was missing by working 72 hours straight, spending no time at home with his son.    I was not disappointed.    Charlie’s eyes were opened and the relationship between Caleb and Charlie was amazing to watch develop.   The love between them was undeniable and it only grew as the story went on. 

Caleb is an amazing little boy.    He is unique in his obsessions with disasters like earthquakes and his liking to wear pink and purple girl colored clothes.   These are things that a dad who is a big man in the world struggles with, much less a dad without a wife to help him and support him.     Yet, as a reader I could not help but love Caleb and love how Charlie came around to understand his son helping him find his ways.      I loved the scene at Zadie’s, Caleb’s aunt, wedding.    This is where the strength of their love and their bond truly shined through.  

Cristina Alger managed to pull together an estranged family, make a father a dad, and show acceptance in each other.      This Was Not The Plan is a book that I recommend picking up. 

Book Links

Saturday, November 26, 2016

RELEASE BLITZ of What if it's Right by JB Heller & GIVEAWAY

Title: What If It's Right?
Author: JB Heller
Genre: Comedic Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 26, 2016



I have a problem. A big freaking problem.
Her name is Tory Dixon.
I’ve been in love with her since I was 17.
The problem you ask?
She’s kinda my best friends mum.


I have a six foot, three inches tall, 22 year-old, problem.
His name is Weston Banks.
I’ve been pretending he doesn’t have feelings for me for the last six years.
You see, fourteen years ago, I became my nephews guardian.
And Weston, well, he's my nephews best friend.
Which makes him ten years my junior and oh so deliciously complicated.

Purchase Links



When I opened the front door and came face to face with Finn’s bare arse I screamed, “What the hell Finn!” I turned my back on him and faced the closed door, “What are you doing? Put some damn pants on.”

“Ah, can you give us a minute?” Finn’s voice sounded small and embarrassed.

“Yep, you betcha. Call out when you’re decent, we are going to be having a serious conversation as soon as clothes are back in play.” Then I re-opened the front door and stepped back out on to the porch.

A minute or two later I heard Finn call out, “Decent.” And I turned the handle and let myself back in.

My jaw dropped when I saw Nixie sitting on the couch beside Finn. Her face as beat red as his. “Wha— Ah— I’m so confused.” I stuttered. “I wish I hadn’t seen what I clearly just saw, but I’m happy to see you, Nixie.”

Her shoulders relaxed in relief, and she gave me a small finger wave, “It’s good to see you too Tory. Sorry about—” her hand gestured between the two of them, “this,” she finished.

“Me too,” I muttered.

Finn was smiling brightly, and I glared at him as I plonked down on the couch that I had not just seen him having sex on. “You’re paying to have that couch cleaned.” I told him. “I watch Netflix on that couch!” I whined. “Couldn’t you have taken it to your bedroom? I mean seriously, what made you think the couch was a good place for you two to be bumping uglies?”

Nixie’s eyes bounced between Finn and myself with a puzzled expression on her pretty face.

I stood up, “You know what, don’t answer that, I can’t deal with this today. I’m exhausted. I just got an awesome tattoo, by the way. Just so you know. I was going to surprise you with it, but you don’t get to see the awesomeness until later now.”

“You what?” Finn asked.

I held my hand up in his face, “Talk to the hand ‘cause the face ain’t listening. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go scrub my eyeballs with bleach if you don’t mind.” I told him as I walked down the hallway. Every time I closed my damn eyes I could see Finn thrusting into Nixie and I wanted to hurl.

My day couldn’t possibly get any worse. Talking sex and babies with Weston, then seeing Finn’s arse as he pumped into his ex-girlfriend on my Netflix couch. I needed a huge glass of wine and a scalding hot bath to wash it all away.

Author Bio

JB Heller is an average Aussie housewife in her late 20’s with a wicked sexy imagination. She and her super sexy husband are the parents of three minions, two Great Danes and a Cat who thinks she’s a person.

She spends her days running around after her wildling children and jotting down stories in her flower embossed leather notebook (She is very particular about her stationary.). She’s a self-confessed Stationary Junky who’s constantly on the lookout for more.

Most day’s JB can be found glued to her laptop, taking advantage of school hours- writing as fast as she can while she can. Or trolling Pinterest for her next potential muse. And when she needs a break from the voices in her head she indulges in her favourite past time, reading.

Want to know more about JB? Check her out, you’ll be guaranteed a good laugh if nothing else.

Author Links

Friday, November 25, 2016

Love Me Like You Do by Sasha Clinton PRE-ORDER BLITZ & GIVEAWAY

Title: Love Me Like You Do
Series: NYC Singles #3
Author: Sasha Clinton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 26, 2016


A single, overweight college professor.
A TV producer looking for a replacement actress.
A chance meeting that changes both their lives.

Dr. Bella Hopkins is looking for love. The forever kind. But instead, she gets a role in a new sitcom, when she runs into Hollywood-screenwriter-turned-producer Jamie Star at the supermarket.

Jamie wants his first show to succeed. He didn’t count on the lead actress injuring herself and pulling out last minute. When he meets Bella, who looks exactly like the actress he just lost, Jamie is convinced that the solution to his problem is simple—convince the college professor to act in his show.

But a misplaced sext, almost kiss, and crazy co-actress later, what started out as a simple solution turns into a problem of its own...

Pre-order Links

Will be available tomorrow, November 26!



What were the odds of meeting your future husband at Trader Joe’s?

Because that might’ve just happened. Seriously.

“Hi, I was wondering if....” Bella stammered to the cute guy she’d spotted checking out Brussel spouts.

Tall. Check.
Hot. Check.
Not texting. Check.
Blue eyes. Check.
Buys expensive food he’s probably never gonna eat. Check.

“If you were interested in....”

Don’t, don’t, don’t. She wasn’t going to make a fool of herself by approaching a random stranger, telling him that she found him sexy and giving him her number. Only desperate women did that.

Well, she was desperate. But still.

No, she needed to start a conversation. Flirt up a storm. Get him to ask for her number.

“...interested in telling me where you found those—” Scanning his cart, she named the first item she saw. “…carrots?”

“They’re right here,” he said, pointing to the heaps of carrots that were right under her nose.

Wow, that was embarrassing.

“Thanks.” Bella moistened her lips, hoping that would take his attention off her stupidity. “You know...I’m visually impaired sometimes.”

Wait...what was she saying? She wasn’t visually impaired. “I mean, I can see well most of the time, but I can’t see well sometimes.”

“Medical condition?” His voice was sympathetic.

Her nod was embarrassingly vigorous. “Right.”

“What’s it called?” Interest flickered in his gray eyes. “If you don’t mind telling me. I’m a doctor. An ophthalmologist. I’ve never heard of a condition like yours. I’m curious.”

Bella’s flirtatious grin slid right off her face. Of everything he could be, he had to be an ophthalmologist, didn’t he? Why was her luck so screwed?

“I don’t know what it’s you shopping by yourself?” she stammered, trying to divert him from her medical condition.

Diversion always worked.

He shrugged casually. “With my partner. He’s over there.”

His gaze darted to a man by the freezer. Equally handsome. Equally gay.

She should’ve seen that coming.

“Great.” Bella’s voice dropped faster than the price of stocks in a recession. “Nice talking to you.”

Turning on her heel, she almost raced down the aisle, not even stopping for Cookie Butter, which she knew she needed to get. Her lip jutted out as she closed her eyes, and her inner critic started nagging her. She was such an idiot sometimes.
Not paying attention, she stopped when she bumped into something hard.

A shoulder. Someone’s shoulder. Before she could blink, he said, “I’m sorry.”

The clearest pair of blue eyes she’d ever encountered appraised her, and she tumbled back, involuntarily.

Also Available



Author Bio

Sasha Clinton discovered romance novels at the age of thirteen and has been addicted to the genre ever since. After getting a degree in Chemical Engineering and realizing that there was no way she could ever be an engineer, she decided to follow her passion and write romance novels. Sasha has lived in New Delhi, Melbourne, Manchester and Boston and continues to move frequently. But wherever she is, she’s hard at work on her next book.

Author Links


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Falling for the Stars by Lisa Loving Dalton & GIVEAWAY

Book Description:


This Behind-the-Scenes Tell-All About Doubling for Celebrity Superstars Also Reveals the Compelling Life Story of an Insecure Hollywood Arrival Who Rises to the Top of Her Field, But Pays a Hefty Price.
  • Addiction
  • Chauvinism  
  • Big Egos collide with the surprising kindness of superstars.

Discover the magic and the tragic stories of many great films & TV shows through the eyes of a stuntwoman. Dalton reveals what it took to hang over cliffs, get hit by a moving car, drop from five stories up, dodge an avenue full of speeding cars--and to ignore the Universe's more gentle prompts that it was time to quit and follow her passion into acting full-time or teaching acting.
The resulting career-ending spinal injury has a story of its own, how she researched medical and alternative paths that form the heart of what she shares with the world today. "What stands out in this book is the indomitable spirit the author has, despite the extraordinary price she paid for her stellar career--including misogyny, a miscarriage, and a life-long back injury. And each juicy story she relays in her fascinating chronicle, brings home an important life lesson for the reader--one that she learned the hard way.

  • Stunt Gal Lisa Dalton tattles about humorous and harrowing tales culled from over 200 films, television shows and commercials including
  • Ghostbusters
  • Money Pit
  • Crocodile Dundee
  • Married to the Mob
  • FX
  • Legal Eagles
  • The Last Dragon
  • Saturday Night Live  
  • Splash
  • The Highlander
  • World According To Garp

Working with or doubling such superstars as Meryl Streep, Cher, Madonna, Grace Jones, Robert Redford, Katherine Hepburn, Sean Connery, Tom Hanks, Chevy Chase, Robin Williams, Ed O'Neill, Michelle Pfeiffer and more.

Author's Bio:

From a bullied, dyslexic, messy, freckle-faced, klutzy pixie, Lisa Loving Dalton grew into a statuesque and skillful stuntwoman, actor, director, teacher, author, filmmaker, leadership and life coach, and ceremonial minister. Always seeking and finding the silver lining, she has made the most of whatever life threw at her. She says, “I spill stuff, trip and drip all of the time so I made a career out of it. My advice: Embrace what is as perfect.”
Dalton appeared in more than 200 films, television shows and commercials in New York, Hollywood and Texas, including work in Ghostbusters, Money Pit, Crocodile Dundee, Married to the Mob, FX, Legal Eagles, and Splash on the big screen and ER, HBO’s Carnivale, Dr. Quinn and Melrose Place among her many TV credits.

Connect with the author:  

Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  Pinterest  ~  Youtube  ~  Instagram


Grand Prize Package: one winner will receive:
1) a paperback copy of Falling For the Stars by Lisa Loving Dalton with autographed Last Dragon Pic
2) a paperback copy of A Balancing Act by Emmanuelle Chaulet
3) an e-copy of Murder of Talent
4) a 30-min video chat with author

2nd and 3rd Prize Packages: 2 winners will each get:
1) a Kindle copy of Falling for the Stars by Lisa Loving Dalton with an autographed Last Dragon pic
2) a paperback copy of A Balancing Act by Emmanuelle Chaulet
3) an e-copy of Murder of Talent

USA only
Giveaway ends Dec 17

Tour Schedule:

Nov 21 - Working Mommy Journal - book spotlight / giveaway
Nov 21 - Jaquo Lifestyle Magazine - book spotlight / guest post
Nov 22 - Reading Authors - book spotlight / giveaway
Nov 23 - My Life. One Story at a Time. - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Nov 23 - Kimber Leigh Writes - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Nov 23 - Books, Dreams, Life - book spotlight
Nov 24 - A Soccer Mom's Book Blog - book spotlight / giveaway
Nov 24 - Fantastic Feathers  - book spotlight / guest post
Nov 25 - 100 Pages A Day - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Nov 28 - Rockin' Book Reviews - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Nov 29 - Library of Clean Reads - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Nov 29 - Deal Sharing Aunt - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Nov 30 - Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers - book spotlight / giveaway
Dec 1 -   Cheryl's Book Nook - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Dec 1 -   A Mama's Corner of the World - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Dec 2 -   Books for Books - book spotlight
Dec 2 -   My Devotional Thoughts - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Dec 5 -   Bound 2 Escape - book spotlight / giveaway
Dec 6 -   fuonlyknew - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Dec 7 -   The Autistic Gamer - book spotlight
Dec 8 - - book spotlight / giveaway
Dec 8 -   Laura's Interests - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Dec 9 -   E-News With Jessy - book spotlight