Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Meet Heather C. Leigh

Heather C. Leigh is the author of a great new series called Ricochet.   It is a story broke into three parts.    I have read all three parts and love the books.    Check out my reviews of all the parts.   First part is posted on March 30th, second part on April 1st, and third part on April 3rd.  Not let me introduce you to the amazing author Heather C. Leigh. 

5w’s of Heather C. Leigh
WHO?Who are you beyond being an author?

Interestingly enough, after going to pharmacy school, I applied to get my masters in Forensic Science at the University of New Haven. I was accepted, but decided to move to Atlanta instead, wanting… no, desperately needing to escape the cold.

WHAT?  What do you enjoy doing other than writing in your spare time?

I’m pretty handy with a sewing machine, so I’ve made quite a few quilts, including an Angry Birds Star Wars one for my son. I’ve taken several photography classes but I’m still just an amateur.

As most of my fans know, I’m a HUGE Red Sox fan and a New England Patriots fan so whenever the games are broadcast in Atlanta, I make sure to watch.

WHEN?  When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

Oddly enough, I started writing a screenplay when I was twenty-three years old. I had no idea what I was doing so I didn’t finish it. I still have the story in my head so maybe I’ll make it into a book someday. It’s a thriller/paranormal— in the same genre as Steven King.

I didn’t start writing in earnest until January of 2014. My children were no longer babies and I had a little more free time to devote to myself.

WHERE?  Where do you write?

I have a pretty sweet set up in my finished basement with a desk and shelves and most important, a good sound system to listen to music. Unfortunately, I usually end up writing on my couch because someone always seems to need something from me.

WHY?  Why do you write?

It sounds so clichéd, but I literally have so many stories bouncing around in my head, I HAVE to get them out.

My characters feel real to me. When I finished the final Famous book, I was sad. It was like sending a child off to college. Letting go is difficult.

Fortunately, I have a backlog of about six different new books in my brain to replace the hole left by Syd and Drew.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Ricochet: Locked and Loaded by Heather C. Leigh

Publish Date:  March 30, 2015 by Shelbyville

Rick "Ricochet" Brennan served eight years as an elite Marine special ops Force Recon soldier. After an injury, and the terrible memories from that night, he retires and goes to work for his former Command Officer, Howard "Mack" McEvoy, at his training center in Atlanta.

Sanctum MMA appears on the surface to be a normal gym, training elite fighters to be the best. Except each trainer, hand-picked by Mack, possesses a special background that allows Mack to run one of the best-kept secrets in the country.

When twenty-three year old Quinn Wallace finally escapes her abusive husband, she turns to her father’s old Marine Corps buddy, Mack, for help. Broken and skittish, Quinn finds herself surrounded by large, intimidating men— men who could easily overpower her. She avoids them the best she can, but when Rick turns out to be more than just a rough fighter with bruised knuckles, she finds herself wondering if she can allow herself to trust again.

My Thoughts…

Sigh… I have fallen for Rick “Ricochet”.  A tough marine, a tough fighter, a man with manners, and a huge heart.   He hides his heart, I am not actually even sure he believes he deserves to love, yet when he met Quinn it was obvious that his heart was aching to get out.    Rick is a man, an alpha male, and amazing.    Yet, one look or word from Quinn and he falls apart.    He wants nothing more than to protect her.    He is patient with Quinn’s past and not pressuring her to tell him.  

Quinn, what a strong woman.   I am not sure that I could go through what she did with Travis, her husband, and be able to work at a fight club with big males.   She is timid, most of the time.  The time she showed that she wasn’t timid was my favorite scene of the book.  

With the way this story ended, I am hoping for more of their story very soon.   Heather C. Leigh needs to keep writing about these two characters.  I would also love to know more about the other fighters in this story.   This is a great novella that I certainly recommend. 

Book Link

Check out the next two parts of this series on April 1st and April 3rd.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Werelover by Dina Haynes

Published March 18, 2015     

Doug has tried to distance himself from a female who killed an innocent to keep him from leaving. Years later, he is still trapped and her threats have riddled his mind with self-hate. Now, he seeks the forbidden comforts of a human again. The attraction is swift and as his heart latches on, he hopes that in due time she’ll accept him, wereleopard spots and all.
When his brother comes to town, he offers Doug a plan that will shift his life for the better. As Doug starts to gain power and embody the male his father always wanted him to be, the truth rears its ugly head…

A human won’t fit into the picture.

As a BBW in a city full of Botox faces, slight figures, and silicone peaks, Eve doesn’t get asked out much. She meets Doug on an animal lover’s dating site and can’t believe her luck, at first. After a long and rocky start, she takes a chance on Doug, despite his unresolved girlfriend issues. When another man enters the picture, though, she begins to second-guess her choice.

But she doesn’t know the whole story yet.

Doug refuses to walk away from her and his truth won’t stay hidden. When Eve finally comes face-to-face with it, neither will hers. 

My Thoughts…

Oh how I have loved this series.    These are not just wereleopards, they are people with real lives and real feelings.   I feel like they are friends and people I am invested in.    They deserve the happiness that they all want and I want to share in that happiness with them.   

Onto the book…

Doug had been living in his own hell for so long that I am not sure that he even knows that life was like before Miranda.     He wants to break away and find a life.   A life without punishment and someone checking on his every move.     I felt for Doug.   He needed to move past Miranda, but how?    I had no idea where this story was going, but  LOVED every word of it.    When Doug met Eve I felt the sparks, I loved the romance, and I loved that they both were cautious.   While jumping right into a relationship and bed is great, Doug and Eve both had secrets and knew they had to deal with it.  

 Dina Haynes knew exactly what the readers want and knew exactly how to write it.    This is the perfect series.   If you are someone looking for a paranormal romance story look no further.  

Book Links
Amazon   |   Goodreads   |   Barnes and Noble  |   iTunes

***Check out my reviews of the first two books of the series from my early posts. ***

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Lightbound Saga by S.G. Basu PROMO

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Title:  Maia and the Xifarian Conspiracy
Series:  The Lightbound Saga #1
Author:   S.G. Basu
Published:  January 18th, 2014
Genre:  YA Sci-Fi Fantasy
Synopsis:  The chance of living the life of a regular thirteen year old was never hers, Maia knows that much. Her dead mother is an alleged turncoat; her people are practically slaves to the Xifarians-a race of ruthless, space travelers; her planet is near extinction. Maia keeps hoping, however. Of evading the Xifarians and of someday atoning for the sins of her mother. Maia has learnt to be careful, she is cautious. Until the day she gives in to the charms of a gypsy boy and the allure of flying his glider. And then, all Maia’s plans fall apart.
Spotted by Xifarian scouts, Maia is recruited into a dubious peace initiative. She had never considered visiting the galaxy roving planet-spaceship of Xif; she had never imagined meeting or befriending a Jjord – the reclusive people from the under-ocean colonies. But all that is about to happen, and Maia’s life is about to change forever . . .
Maia and the Xifarian Conspiracy is a daring space adventure and a coming-of-age story. It is a riveting tale in which the young hero’s journey of self-discovery parallels the timeless search for friendship, knowledge, and truth.
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Title:  Maia and the Secrets of Zagran
Series:  The Lightbound Saga #2
Author:   S.G. Basu
Published:  December 15th, 2014
Genre:  YA Sci-Fi Fantasy
Synopsis:  Thirteen-year-old Maia thinks she has seen it all.
She has survived an assassination attempt, she has been threatened by a chancellor, and she has faced off with saboteurs trying to bring down a nation. She lets nothing get to her anymore-not the ominous nightmares she has been having lately, not the fear of being targeted for another soul extraction, not even the memories of her dead mother’s terrifying communique.
More than ever, Maia wants the Initiative to resume. She longs to visit Zagran-the undersea capital of the Jjord. She wants to ride the underwater transport lines, learn about the Jjordic energy farms and most of all-she wants to goof off with her friends. But, around the charming city of Zagran, evil is gathering. Maia and her friends do not know it yet, this is just the beginning of a terrifying end.
Excerpt from The Lightbound Saga by S.G. Basu:
Carefully, she opened the small lid, slipped her hand cautiously inside, and reached for the crystal. A flash of light followed by a searing pain that shot through her arm stunned Maia for a moment. Blinking rapidly, she focused her eyes and screamed. The L’miere crystal had vanished. A thin wisp of smoke rose from the moss where the crystal had lain just moments ago. Maia pulled out her hand and shook the pod, hoping that she had maybe . . . somehow . . . just maybe . . . pushed it into a crevice or something. But the pod remained empty; only the lava rock sat on its mossy bed, in blissful ignorance. Ren would know. She ran out of the room, up the staircase toward the Snoso, and smack dab into the middle of a portly frame. Maia would have gone flying and crashed into the wall had it not been for the hands that gripped her firmly by the shoulders. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my old friend Maia,” the voice of Principal Pomewege bellowed. “And what is the rush, child?” Maia started to murmur an apology. She must have not made much sense, because the principal interrupted her midway. “Is something wrong?” His eyes shone with concern. Everything is wrong. “Nothing, sir,” she lied. “Well, you seem to be in a hurry, so I won’t keep you.” Pomewege smiled. “But if there is anything I can help you with, just let me know.” He turned away, and Maia took a few steps before she rushed back toward the principal. “Principal Pomewege, I think . . . I . . . I destroyed something,” she stammered.
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About the Author:
S. G. Basu is a telecommunications engineer by profession, but she likes to call herself a dreamer. Imagination, fueled by a voracious appetite for books, has been her steady friend since childhood. She discovered her passion for writing quite by chance and there has been no stopping her since then.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • Signed print copy of Maia and the Xifarian Conspiracy (US)
  • Signed print copy of Maia and the Secrets of Zagran (US)

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wereking (Leopards Unleashed #2) by Dina Haynes

Published October 20, 2014 by Dina Haynes

A lifetime of taking orders and being bullied by his mate, Brom douses the pain on a diet of alcohol and drugs. She proved to have more staying power in death than he ever feared while she was alive. As she haunts him from the recesses of his mind, he goes on a killing spree des-perate to find someone who could lay waste to his six-foot five-inch frame. 

Love had only led him down a path of destruction. The most important casualty was his daughter, MacKenzie, whose life he forever scarred. After a typical night of booze and an un-characteristic one-night stand, he wakes up beside a human female. Brom gave up any notions of love long ago, nor did he think he was capable, but a human? Now that he’s finally got a foot-hold on patching things up with his daughter, he’s got to go through it all over again, with… 

Siddhima (Sid) strolls through life, having escaped the confines of traditional marriage. That freedom hasn’t brought her any closer to happiness until an unwitting encounter with the King of Wereleopards. Their relationship is the ultimate disgrace, though, especially after the carelessness of unsafe sex. And when her powerful witch of a mother finds out, so does her pa-tience run out. 

But Sid can’t stop loving that were of hers. Nor can she stop her mother from doing what it takes to keep the two apart. 

My Thoughts…

This is the second book in the Leopards Unleashed series and it picks up exactly where the first one left off.    Brom, the wereleopard king, is the main character and the story is told from his point of view.    The characters from the first book are seen throughout this book, which I love.   

When Siddhima gets under Brom’s skin you know it is going to be a fun ride.   This relationship is so unlikely to be successful that I could not help but keep reading to see how it would end or continue.   I was not sure which I was hoping for.   Brom is trouble, big trouble.    Yet, Sid cares about him, a lot.    He gets under her skin and she just cannot shake him.  They are drawn to each other, care for each, and somehow understand each other.   Very quickly they are unable to be apart and things get very interesting.   I cannot wait for more from these two.

Dina Haynes is a new author for me.   I love paranormal books and this series is at the top of that list.  It is not what I would consider a “normal” paranormal story.   There is sex, controversy, and shape shifting, yet there is so much more.   There is a true story to this book.   There is drama and intrigue included in this story.   I definitely recommend checking out this series.

Book Links

Check out my post from Monday March 23rd (click here) for the first book in this series.   Come back Friday March 27th for the third book in this series.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Shadow Ritual Q&A


An electrifying thriller about the rise of extremism. Two ritual murders—one in Rome and one in Jerusalem—rekindles an ancient rivalry between modern-day secret societies for knowledge lost at the fall of the Third Reich. Detective Antoine Marcas unwillingly teams up with the strong-willed Jade Zewinski to chase Neo-Nazi assassins across Europe. They must unravel an arcane mystery, sparked by information from newly revealed KGB files. Inspired from the true story of mysterious Freemason files thought to hold a terrible secret, stolen by the SS in 1940, recovered by the Red Army in 1945 and returned half a century later. First in a hugely successful series that has sold over 1.5 million copies in France and is translated into seventeen languages.

Shadow Ritual Blog Tour Q&A

1.      How did the two of you come together to write SHADOW RITUAL?

Many things led us into this adventure. First of all, Jacques is a Freemason, and Eric had investigated scandals linked to freemasonry. We had two different visions of this brotherhood. Second, Eric had already written a mystery and his French publisher was encouraging him to write another one. Thirdly, we had known each other since our teenage years together spent in Toulouse, in the south of France, when we shared a passion for esoteric mysteries and secret societies. At the time, while others were flirting, we were exploring Cathar castles and Templar outposts, certain we would find some lost treasure, perhaps even the Holy Grail. We always kept a bit of that feeling of wonder. All of this came together with the idea of a Freemason inspector. Two other inspirations fed Shadow Ritual: the little known story of Freemason persecutions in Nazi-occupied France, and the true story of French Freemason archives stolen by the Nazis in 1940, recovered by the Soviets in 1945 and only returned to France in 2000. What secret did they hold?

2.      How does the fact that Jacques is a Freemason and Eric is a Profane affect the portrayal of the relationships between your characters?

It gives us a more balanced view of freemasonry: one that is not too indulgent and not too full of fantasy.

3.      What was the inspiration for the characters Antoine Marcas and Jade Zewinski?

Antoine embodies an upright Freemason who believes in his ideals, but is aware that the brotherhood is not perfect. He is always doubting, and that is his strength. Jade is hostile to freemasonry and challenges Marcas, by asking him all the questions the Profane have about this secret society.

4.      The Inspector Marcas series is an international phenomenon! Has the success of the series changed your life?

The success of the series has allowed us the freedom to write and earn a living from it, which is a real luxury.

5.      How did you decide to write a series with a freemason as the protagonist?

We though thrillers are an excellent way for readers to discover the world of freemasonry. Then, we were doubly lucky: at the time, nobody in France had had the idea of creating a positive Freemason protagonist, and Dan Brown published his Da Vinci Code a year before we brought out the first Antoine Marcas mystery in French. We were the first French authors to benefit from the Dan Brown effect.

6.      SHADOW RITUAL deals with actual Freemason history and the potential implications of a breach; has SHADOW RITUAL ruffled some feathers?

At first, Jacques’s brothers were a little thrown off. But over time, freemasons have become fervent supporters of Inspector Marcas. The rituals and meetings described in the books are genuine, and readers can understand a little bit more about the brotherhood.

7.      How much research do you have to do, which are the most difficult types of scenes to research, and have you ever had to go to extreme or unusual lengths to research a scene?

We spend a lot of time in libraries, often in Freemason libraries, which have many rare books. We also meet with scholars. This is a fascinating part of the work, but it’s important not to get lost in the research or to recount too much of what we found in books. The hard part is building a plot and adjusting the mechanism to work like clockwork.

8.      What are you reading now?

The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a fascinating book about the unforeseeable events that change the destinies of nations.

9.      Who or what has influenced your style of writing?

Jacques’s influences are very literary, as he was a French professor and a Paul Valery scholar. Eric’s are more thrillers (both books and movies).

10.  What’s up next for you, Eric?

I’m heading to New York for Thrillerfest in July. I can’t wait to meet other thriller writers. And next year, there will be another Antoine Marcas thriller in English, one with surprising Freemason information about the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.

11.  What’s up next for you, Jacques?

Las Vegas in August to celebrate my son’s twenty-first birthday, and shared impatience with Eric for the next Marcas adventure.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Wereleper (Leopards Unleashed #1) by Dina Haynes

Published April 1, 2015

MacKenzie can’t help but be a rebel. She was born one. A poor excuse for a wereleopard, she can’t shift, she can’t heal, she can’t hunt like the others.

She escapes all that, though, becomes a fugitive, and spends the next forty years hiding as a civilian amongst humans. But a girl’s gotta eat. Inevitably, life takes a turn when she’s caught infringing on the wrong female’s territory.

With an irresistible price on her head, Mac’s estranged father sends in his trusted friend and werehunter, Ramone. Mission: rescue.

Except, she puts up a mean game of cat and mouse. Understandable when crude genetics have been the “kick me” sign of her existence. MacKenzie lives, eats, and breathes mistrust, yet she watches this male defend her at every turn.

In her darkest hour, Ramone’s sacrifices add up. And when an unresolved family debt ties Mac to imminent death, his loyalty knows no bounds. 

My Thoughts...

I love shift shapers books.    Werewolves, tigers, leopards, they are all my favorites.    Wereleper is different than the others that I have read before.    This is a story, not just a hot sex, killing for blood, and running through the woods story.    There is love, fear of love, romance, families, and so much more.    It is the story of a misfit trying to find her place in the world and being afraid to settle down.   

MacKenzie is a wereleper.    She is not quite a leopard, not quite anything.   Then she meets Ramone.    Ramone understands Mac.  His job is to keep her safe, per her father’s orders.   Of course, it is not that easy.   The unknown forces that want Mac dead are not willing to give up and Mac is pretty stubborn.  Both Mac and Ramone have to give up certain things and ideas to keep each other out of harm’s way.   Opening their lives and hearts to each other is not as easy as it could be.   Both are afraid to get hurt.  

This is my first book by Author Dina Haynes.   I enjoyed every page.  I loved that it was a story; it pulled me in from the first page and kept me entertained from the very first page until the very last word.    I definitely recommend checking out this series.

Book Links

Check back Wednesday March 25th and Friday March 27th for the next two books in this series. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Witches of Painted Sorrow by M.J. Rose

Published March 17, 2015 by Atria Books

Sandrine Salome flees New York for her grandmother’s Paris mansion to escape her dangerous husband, but what she finds there is even more menacing. The house, famous for its lavish art collection and elegant salons, is mysteriously closed up. Although her grandmother insists it’s dangerous for Sandrine to visit, she defies her and meets Julien Duplessi, a mesmerizing young architect. Together they explore the hidden night world of Paris, the forbidden occult underground and Sandrine’s deepest desires.

Among the bohemians and the demi-monde, Sandrine discovers her erotic nature as a lover and painter. Then darker influences threaten—her cold and cruel husband is tracking her down and something sinister is taking hold, changing Sandrine, altering her. She’s become possessed by La Lune: A witch, a legend, and a sixteenth-century courtesan, who opens up her life to a darkness that may become a gift or a curse.

This is Sandrine’s “wild night of the soul,” her odyssey in the magnificent city of Paris, of art, love, and witchery.

My Thoughts….

The Witches of Painted Sorrow is a different type of book that I have read before.    There is so much happening with the main character, Sandrine.   She is mourning the loss of her father, hiding from her husband, possessed by a witch family member, and trying to find her happy ever after.   Yet, with all of this going on the story flows perfectly and it is all tied together exactly as it should be.  

While I felt that the story started slowly, I could not stop reading.    The story was full of suspense.  I kept turning page after page, thinking that I would finish this chapter only to have to keep reading unable to stop.     I was captivated by the details of the buildings, the paintings, and the characters in this story.   I could picture what Sandrine and Julian were seeing while in the tower and discovering all the hidden treasures,   I was able to envision the buildings and places that were visited, and I could feel the feelings and struggles that Sandrine was having.   

This book had a lot going on.   There was art, history, witchcraft, erotica, and love.  As a fan of paranormal stories I enjoyed The Witches of Painted Sorrow from the beginning to the end.    I recommend this book and cannot wait from more from M.J. Rose.

Book Links
Amazon   |   Barnes and Noble   |   iTunes   |   Goodreads
Author Links
Website   |   Facebook   |   Twitter   |   Pinterest

Praise for M.J. Rose
"Rose is an unusually skillful storyteller. Her polished prose and intricate plot will grip even the most skeptical reader. "
– Washington Post

“Provocative…a sweeping sense of romance and history.”
–        Cleveland Plain Dealer on “The Book of Lost Fragrances”

“Rose seduces the reader from the very first page. Enticing…fascinating…unexpected.”
–        Associated Press on “Seduction”

A sensual mystery (readers) will truly never forget! This deserves a standing ovation.”
–        Suspense Magazine on “Seduction,” Best Book of 2013

About M.J. Rose

M.J. Rose grew up in New York City mostly in the labyrinthine galleries of the Metropolitan Museum, the dark tunnels and lush gardens of Central Park and reading her mother's favorite books before she was allowed. She believes mystery and magic are all around us but we are too often too busy to notice...  Books that exaggerate mystery and magic draw attention to it and remind us to look for it and revel in it.

Rose is a the Co-President and founding member ofInternational Thriller Writers and the founder of the first marketing company for authors: AuthorBuzz. She runs the blog, Museum of Mysteries.
In 1998, her first novel Lip Service was the first e-book and the first self-published novel chosen by the LiteraryGuild/Doubleday Book Club as well as the first e-book to go on to be published by a mainstream New York publishing house.

Rose has been profiled in Time magazine, ForbesThe New York TimesBusiness 2.0Working WomanNewsweek, andNew York Magazine.

She has appeared on The Today ShowFox NewsThe Jim Lehrer NewsHour, and features on her have appeared in dozens of magazines and newspapers in the U.S. and abroad, including USATodaySternL'OfficialPoets and Writers, and Publishers Weekly.

Rose graduated from Syracuse University and spent the '80s in advertising. She was the Creative Director of Rosenfeld Sirowitz and Lawson and she has a commercial in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Crashing into Love by Melissa Foster and GIVEAWAY

Book #12 The Bradens, Love in Bloom Series #20

Only one woman could hurt ultra-alpha bad boy Jake Braden.
Only one woman can heal him.
Fiona Steele has arrived…

Fiona Steele has a great career, strong friendships, and a loving family. To an outsider, her life appears happy and fulfilling. But the one thing that’s missing is true love, and the only man Fiona wants is the one she can’t have, sinfully handsome and seductively intense Jake Braden—the man whose heart she broke, which she has regretted ever since.

As an LA stuntman, Jake Braden’s at the top of his game. He’s hired for all the best movies, hooks up with the hottest women, and lives an unencumbered lifestyle where his needs come first—and where he doesn’t have to examine his life too closely. Except when he visits his family in his close-knit hometown of Trusty, Colorado, where he spends his time avoiding Fiona—the only woman who knows who he really is.

When Fiona’s best friend is hired to act in Jake’s movie, Fiona jumps at the chance to try to win him back. There’s no denying the white-hot attraction burning between them. With every encounter, Fiona hopes Jake can’t resist falling back into the love they once shared. But her well-orchestrated rendezvous doesn’t go over well with the brooding heartthrob. Living in the fast lane is perfect for a guy who’s buried his emotions so damn deep he’s not sure he can remember how to feel—and he’s not sure he ever wants to.

THE BRADEN COUSINS are one of the newest additions to the LOVE IN BLOOM series.
**CONTENT WARNING: Due to mature content, recommended for readers aged 18+**

My Thoughts…

I am feeling sad now that I have finished Jake Braden’s story.    He is the last of the Braden brothers, well from that side of the family.    I feel like I am leaving my book crushes behind.    Yet, I know that Melissa Foster will continue to entertain me and introduce me to more book crushes in the stories of the cousins yet to come in this series.  

Jake is amazing.  Of course he is, he’s a Braden.   I love that he fought his broken heart and finally gave into what his heart and head told him he really wanted.  I wanted him and Fiona to get back together, yet I really just wanted him to be true to himself.    The ache he felt was so heartbreaking that it actually made him a person that he did not like.    The first time he runs into Fiona and blows her off I could hear the wall around his heart start to break and was excited for what was to come.

Fiona, oh Fiona.   She made an immature choice when she was younger and it haunted her forever.    I believe that her choice made both her and Jake the people they are and if that choice had not had happen their relationship may have ended very differently. As she grew up and started to understand life and what she wanted from life, Fiona knew that she had to fix what was broken.   She put herself out there, stepped out of the normal bounds, and put her feelings before everything to make her life right again.   

Of course, I recommend Melissa Foster’s Love in Bloom Series.  Each book can be read as a standalone, but are more enjoyable when read in order as a series.  

Available to buy from ...

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Melissa is available to chat with book clubs and welcomes comments and emails from her readers. Visit Melissa at The World Literary Cafe or her personal website.
Never miss a brand new release, special promotions or inside gossip again by simply signing up to receive your newsletter from Melissa.
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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


Five lucky winners will each receive the Sisters in Bloom ebook
Ending on Sunday 3rd May at 11.59pm EST
Open Worldwide

Enter Below & Good Luck !!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Paranormal/Fantasy Romance Anthology
Anne L. Parks
Annie Rose Welch
Lashell Collins
Dina Haynes
Book Blurb:
Four sisters wielding the power of the elements.
Four men who have vowed to protect them.
One mother’s quest to destroy them.
Experience the power of love in season.
The Prophecy (Spring):
Escaping from her mother, Gaia, Creator of All, was only the beginning for Aria Spring. Staying hidden will require protection from the one man she doesn’t trust to save anyone but himself. Responsible for breathing new life into the dormant world, Aria is determined to save it, and her elementals sisters from her mother’s vow of destruction.
Disbelieving the tall tales his father and grandfather told when he was a child, Eiden refuses to acknowledge his family’s legacy as Protector of the Spring. The draw to Aria, however, is too great for him to resist, and he finds himself unable to stay away from her. When he sees her powers in action with his own eyes, he can no longer deny the fierce need to protect her – even if it costs him his life.
Bayou Bleue (Summer):
Été Munson is the fiery daughter of Gaia, the Creator of All, and the reason why the season of summer exists. But when Gaia decides the Earth is too ominous to keep, her plan sends Été into hiding in the mystical town of Bayou Bleue, Louisiana.
Enter Bear Glenn. A mysterious voyager who has come from Scotland to find Été before Gaia does. As she brings Bear into the Heart of the Swamp, a land filled with Bayou Trolls, Silent People, and the legendary Rougarou, their Fate will be tested, along with their will to survive.
Connected Souls (Fall):
Autumn Munson lives a simple life. As simple as a goddess in hiding can, that is. One of the four Elemental daughters of Gaia, Mother of All, she’s the very embodiment of the fall season. But when Mommy Dearest gets the crazy idea that the Earth must go, Autumn and her sisters scatter into hiding in a last ditch effort to save the world.
William Varian is an ancient soul. An immortal shifter who has been watching over Autumn for longer than she realizes. He holds the secrets to a past that she’s long forgotten - one where they meant everything to each other. But as he fights to keep Autumn safe, will they allow Gaia to use their centuries-old connection to destroy them, or will it prove to be a bond that not even the Mother of All can break?
Cold Awakenings (Winter):
Wynter Munson doesn't belong in Los Angeles, but what better place to hide a Winter goddess. All that sun won't melt her frozen heart, though, after the betrayal and loss of her cheating husband.
It's her darkness that Morpheus is drawn to. He finds the girl of his dreams inside hers. But when the Mother of All threatens Wynter's son, he must convince her that love not only destroys lives. It can save them too.

Teasers - Spring:

Teasers - Summer:
Teasers - Autumn:

Teasers - Winter:

Author Bio’s:
Anne L. Parks:
Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains, Anne L. Parks has spent the last 25 years moving all over the United States. Married to the Navy - well a man in the Navy - Parks has lived in various places throughout the United States. Now she resides in the Washington D.C. area, and loves every minute. She has four children, and one spoiled German Shepard. 2013 marked her debut in publishing. Her first novel, Strangers, released on her 45th birthday. She was amazed at how many people fell in love with a story about two people dealing with grief, and finding love again. Abby and Bryce were the perfect couple to introduce Parks as an up-and-coming author. Since then, she has published the complete Return To Me series, which includes The Return, Return to Newport, Lauren's Return, Returning Home, and RSVP: A Christmas Novella. This year, along with the anthology, she plans to publish another short story, along with the Demons trilogy. The first book, Of Demons and Stones, will release in July 2015. Always eager to talk to readers, so find her through the links below and say "hi."

Annie Rose Welch:
Born and raised in New Orleans, Annie Rose Welch has a habit of shortening her words and telling long stories. She speaks with a southern flair and cooks with it too. At the tender age of twenty-one, she hitched up her wagons (took her first plane ride) and moved out west to the big shake (California). Her writing career began one sleepless night when she imagined a gorgeous woman and a man with maniacal hair floating above her like lightening bugs falling from the sky. Curious about them, their story, and why they were floating around in her head, she sat down and penned (typed) her first novel, Marigny Street. A dream come true for her, she hasn’t stopped writing since. She loves a damn good love story, always has, no matter what the genre. She is particularly moved by imperfect love that in its own unique way is perfect, the notion of love at first sight, soul mates, and things that are generally out of the norm. When she’s not writing she enjoys dabbling in photography and finding new, inspirational music to add to her collection. She currently (still) resides in the big shake (although her southern roots are calling her home) with her husband, daughter, and their two peculiar dogs, Boudreaux and Tabasco (who, call her crazy, bark with an accent).

Lashell Collins:
Lashell Collins is an American author of romantic suspense, paranormal and contemporary romance. She spent the last twenty years of her life working in veterinary clinics and garden centers in her home state of Ohio, and is now living her dream of writing full-time. She loves a good love story, whether she’s watching it on TV, reading it, or writing it. In food terms, she likes to think of her own stories as sweet and spicy – sweet romance with spicy sex scenes! Lashell walks to the beat of her own drum, but that’s okay ’cause she’s got a pretty good sense of rhythm. Basically, she’s a geeky, quirky, laid-back, rocker-loving kinda girl who’s married to a retired cop, motorcycle-riding, bad-boy alpha all her own, and she likes to write about sexy police officers, werewolves and rockstars - or some inventive combination of the three! When she’s not busy tapping away on her laptop and living vicariously through her characters, she can usually be found watching Grimm, rocking out to Slash, stuffing her face full of Chinese food, or riding on the back of her husband’s Harley-Davidson. Give her a shout, she loves to hear from readers!

Dina Haynes:
Dina Haynes is the pseudonym for an author who has always called the San Francisco Bay Area home, though she currently resides in Southern California. Raised in a single-parent family household with her mother and sister, she aptly refers to it as “the house of estrogen.” And, not to be forgotten, the one male energy that stood out in her upbringing was a pet Pomeranian-mix named Theodore. He is no longer with us, but his spirit lives on in her heart and on the pages. And every dog she harasses on the street.

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